Express yourself

This week is Children’s Mental Health week and Princess Kate Middleton, (who has been a fabulous champion for mental health) has released a video encouraging parents to not only take time to invest in their children's mental health but to take the time to care for themselves too. She is completely right as it’s only by being in a good place ourselves that we can then care for our children. We cannot give what we don’t have...

If we are running on empty, we won’t have anything to give out to our children – it makes complete sense. However, I am just going to put it out there - her encouragement to “be the best YOU that YOU can be” is just a little daunting – in fact, in a moment of overthinking, it’s downright scary!!

Did anyone else watch it and then go down a rabbit hole with thoughts similar to;  “who on earth is this best me” and “how am I going to find the time right now, to discover that along with everything else I am meant to be doing?”

Frankly as a mom in lockdown 3.0, sometimes I celebrate the fact that I’ve cleaned my teeth, got my children dressed and eaten breakfast before their Google Meets, completed work deadlines, replied to some of the e-mails flashing red and somewhere in all of that, I have made a plan for dinner.  Do not ask me when the last time was that I worked out or if I ate healthy today, with everything else going on in the day and its list of priorities, those things were not on my radar.

There is another Kate Middleton that I like to listen to, and she is not a princess but a doctor – Doctor Kate - and she is also passionate about emotional well-being and runs the ‘Mind and Soul foundation’.

She recently gave this advice which I found so helpful and thought I’d share it here… “So many times, people say things like “be positive” or “be thankful” and yes while those are great things to do and can be helpful, sometimes there are things that need to happen first before we get to that stage of acceptance” and followed it with the advice below.

1.    Find some space – give your mind a breather, step away from the laptop, take a break from social media, and give yourself a moment to react.

2.    Let out what you are feeling – it's okay (and necessary) to express your feelings. Your emotions have a purpose - their job is to grab your attention and let your brain figure out all that is happening. This process will not only help you in the long run but it you don’t do it, there is a chance that it will most likely bubble over at some inopportune moment and you will find yourself on the back foot. Take a moment to address these emotions and feelings that you are struggling with.

3.    Lastly, it’s about connecting. Taking a moment to connect with people that you are comfortable and feel safe with. You can be real with them, cry with them, rant with them or do whatever it is that you need to express yourself. They won’t judge but will love you through those moments. It’s so important to have those connection points.

It’s okay to be finding these things hard.  So before you can be the amazing you that your children, families and everyone else needs you be - be real and give yourself space. Let out what you are feeling and connect with some people that love you for you.

All these things will help you to be the best you that you can be.

You’ve got this…


Tightrope of Life


Weight - off Wednesday (keeping it real)