Tightrope of Life
Do you ever wonder why circus skills were not down as essential lessons during school, along with Maths and English?
I don’t know about you all, but my life can often feel like a circus. It’s not just the continuous juggling of all the different balls to be kept in the air marked urgent or important but the precarious walking ‘the tightrope of life’ making sure we keep everything balanced and in order to ensure things don’t come tumbling down around us.
In the words of the great Dr. Seuss -
“So be sure where you step, Step with care and great tact
And remember that life is a great balancing act”.
We need to strike a balance of being kind but still putting up boundaries, being content in the now and being willing to learn and grow, being open to change but knowing when enough is enough.
We need to balance between doing and being too... Making sure we are doing the things that we need to do and not trying to do everything and more often than not, that comes from learning the art of saying NO. Realizing that not every opportunity that comes our way is one that we need to pick up. Making the time to just be and finding enjoyment in the simplicity of being who we are and not feeling the pressure to always do. After all, we are human beings first not human doings...
The picture above reminded me of the importance in life of creating a balance of holding on and letting go. There are things in our life that we need to fight for and make sure that they stay as important and a priority. Then there are things that we should not be trying to hold on so tightly too and forcing to make them happen in the way we want them to. Maybe it’s the ‘parent-guilt’ of what you think you should be doing that hasn’t happened yet or the expectations/ideals in your head of what you were hoping would be.
With half-term just around the corner we wanted to wish you a fabulous week of ‘letting go’ of the schoolwork, the P.E lessons, and timetables practice and just embrace the change of pace/routine, have some movie nights and enjoy the lighter days, stop and smell the daffodils and who knows maybe even some more snow to enjoy.
Happy Half Term