Welcome to the LVA Village

Body Positivity

  • What is body positivity?

  • Why is it important?

  • How does it affect us?

What is the body positive movement?

  • It’s all about empowerment

  • Reframing how we see our bodies

Why is it important?

  • How much of our life is governed by how we feel in our bodies?

  • Social media’s influence is no longer covert. It is overtly influencing all of us - whether we engage in it or not

How does this affect us?

  • What happens when our bodies are not nourished and nurtured?

  • We are being watched…

Discussion Time

Who sets the beauty standards?





Social Media?


Fashion/Beauty Industry?


The culture/religious community you are a part of?


Society? 〰️ Individuals? 〰️ Social Media? 〰️ Fashion/Beauty Industry? 〰️ The culture/religious community you are a part of? 〰️

Activity Time

Loving and accepting our body can have many positive effects on our mental and physical well-being. We may feel more confident, have a better body image, experience less stress and anxiety, and be more motivated to take care of ourself through healthy habits.

But how do we get there?


What one thing can we do differently this week to nurture, nourish and cherish our bodies?

How will we relay the message we are trying to share with our young people?