Welcome to the LVA Village

Self-Esteem & Emotional Wellbeing

  • What is self-esteem?

  • Why is it important?

  • How does it affect me?


It all starts here!

  • Why does it matter?

  • How does it affect my choices?

What we believe about ourselves defines how we engage with the world.

It’s a journey!

  • It’s not something we’re born with

  • It’s not a flat line

But like all things worth having, we must work for it; some more than others.

It’s a shield!

  • What does it shield us from?

  • How can we use it?

It’s the foundation of resilience and wellbeing!

Emotional Wellbeing

  • More than spa days and candle-lit baths!

  • More than our inner world

  • Includes resilience & growth mindset

  • Linked to our self-esteem

Discussion Time

How do you think self-esteem and emotional well-being are linked?

Does one feed the other?

How does our self-esteem affect our choices?

Activity Time

I am… what are you like? How would you or your friends describe you?

I can… what things can you do? What do you enjoy. Abilities, talents, skills, hobbies?

I will… what do you want to do or achieve? What do you dream of?

I have… what have you already achieved?


What one thing can we do this week to build our self-esteem?

Which coping strategy will you try out this week?