It's okay to not be okay

They say a picture speaks 1000 words and when I saw Charlie Mackesy’s drawing above, it shouted at me. 

It’s flipping hard right now, and the truth is it feels like it’s getting harder not easier. The new year has started and 2021 has gone off with a bang but not the kind we were hoping for.  Schools are shut and home-schooling is in full swing with no promise of a change happening anytime soon. Lockdown rules are tight and so far, no concrete news of those relaxing whilst cases are constantly rising.  I don’t want to focus on the negatives, but I think that there is a reality that needs to be acknowledged too... Life is tough right now so what do we do?  

In amongst it all we are trying to be brave and hold it together for every-one - our children, our other halves, our siblings, parents, family, and friends.  However, we don’t need to have all the answers. In fact, let’s be real, I don’t know many people who currently do. So, let’s give ourselves some of the grace that so often we give to those around us.  

We need to allow ourselves the space to feel our feelings and admit our fears out loud and realize it is okay to ask for help! It’s not admitting defeat! It’s choosing to push through, regardless. No-one has it together all the time and asking someone else for their wisdom is absolutely fine. 

I saw an Instagram post that said “She whipped off her cape, held her hands in the air and said, “I’m struggling this time”. The others breathed a sigh of relief, ripped off their capes, and said, “me too” and they all knew that they were not alone.” 

What a powerful quote above, let’s relieve ourselves from the pressure of having to be all things to all people and give ourselves a moment to be real and admit we are struggling. Please find someone to speak to if you need to. After all, a burden shared is a burden halved.  


It feels like an incomplete sentence...

